check_plugin – Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing BizExcellerated Internet Marketing: Achieve mastery in blogging, affiliate marketing, social traffic generation at Andrew Wee Fri, 02 Mar 2007 15:31:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 2006-2007 (Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing) (Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing) 1440 Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing 144 144 BizExcellerated Internet Marketing: Achieve mastery in blogging, affiliate marketing, social traffic generation Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing no no Have You Upgraded to WordPress 2.1.1? Fri, 02 Mar 2007 23:31:25 +0000 If you actively use blogging for branding or income generation, take note of the WordPress upgrades available.

A number of prominent Internet Marketers WordPress 2.0.5 blogs had been hacked into, and the WordPress development team launched WordPress 2.0.7 to address the issue within a short timespan, even as they were about to launch their next major upgrade, the WordPress 2.1 series.

I’d been holding back on upgrading, even though test WordPress 2.1.1 installations showed that the blogs were running much faster, due to a major factor.

In this case, slower adopters stand to benefit, as a number of plugins have been shown to be not fully compatible with WordPress 2.1.

If you’re a WordPress blogger, you’d know that WordPress plugins are the lifeblood of any serious blogger. They add an unparalled degree of functionality and bring the WordPress platform to a whole new level, compared to other blogging platforms.

After reading that the new WordPress has difficulty playing nicely with my major Tag-related plugin, Tag Warrior, I’d held back till there seemed to be some stablity.

I’d finally launched into the new platform, wishing for the best.

Besides a hiccup with comments not displaying correctly for the last 24 hours, this current version seems faster, has additional goodies like autosaving, and the codes more efficient, with a noticable increase in processing speed.

If you’re currently at WordPress 2.0.5 or 2.0.7, consider upgrading to 2.0.9 or better yet, 2.1.1. It certainly seems to bring WordPress to a whole new level.

A couple of points to note:

  • Make a backup before you upgrade: Recovering from a blog database crash can be very painful.
  • Deactivate all blog plugins to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Check plugin compatiblity with the WordPress 2.1 platform here. (very important in my opinion).
  • I don’t believe this will be a major issue, but if you’d like you can check for theme compatibility.

You can download WordPress 2.1 versions here.

Or better yet, I find Bluehost’s webhosting with WordPress 1-click install function, saves me a ton of headaches (with upgrades also available with a single click.

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