john-reese – Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing BizExcellerated Internet Marketing: Achieve mastery in blogging, affiliate marketing, social traffic generation at Andrew Wee Tue, 15 Jul 2008 05:42:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 2006-2007 (Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing) (Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing) 1440 Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing 144 144 BizExcellerated Internet Marketing: Achieve mastery in blogging, affiliate marketing, social traffic generation Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing no no Are Infoproduct Marketers Selling Their Souls In Major Affiliate Promotions? Tue, 15 Jul 2008 13:42:10 +0000 If you’ve been watching the info product space, you’ll know that John Reese is launching a new version of his Traffic Secrets course on Jul 15th.

So every info product “guru” has been mailing their list for the last couple of weeks, trying to warm them up and maximize sales conversions on launch day.


In common with other high profile info product launches, this typically results in a bonus offering frenzy, where short-sighted list owners will offer the farm (including the kitchen sink and their next born) in exchange for a product purchase through their affiliate link.

Just for the record, I’m referring to the affiliate promotions, not the core product.

It can get a little ridiculous when someone is offering you $1,000 or $10,000 or even $25,000 worth of “bonuses” for purchasing a $397 or $997 product.

Granted many of these bonus products may be virtual or digital in nature with zero stocking and zero duplication costs, but I think doing a hype-y promotion of this nature takes its toll – and it will extract a higher price than the 50% or 75% commission you might earn – it will affect your reputation.

If nothing else, this is pretty incestuous and unhealthy.

If you’re in the internet marketing or business opportunity niche for the long term, your reputation will mean a lot to you. Because people are buying a product based on your recommendation, it would be comforting to know that you have their best interests at heart (ie. it’s not just the $500 commission that will greasing your palms…).

I would think the law of social reciprocity and the “pay it forward” principles would apply for those who are going to be in this field for the longhaul, not merely for the opportunity to grease your palms for a few nickels – potentially the ultimate manifestation of poor man’s thinking.

Perhaps internet marketing veteran Ryan Deiss sums it best in a recent mailing to his list – to buy Traffic Secrets direct from John’s website if they feel it will benefit them.

Ryan also mentions “I’m frankly not willing to devalue my own content by giving it all away for a stinkin’ affiliate commission, so for strategic reasons I’ve decided not to participate in the “Bonus Fandango” that will soon commence and instead suggest you check the forums to see who’s offering the best deal.”

Spoken like someone who’s in it for the longterm.

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Will John Reese’s Marketing Tactics Break Twitter? Fri, 20 Jun 2008 07:30:35 +0000 There’s a little brouhaha brewing on the blogosphere with bloggers Duncan Riley and the folks over at Mashable calling out John Reese for advocating Twitter as a branding/promotion mechanism to aid their marketing efforts.

And John has posted a response at his blog.

So what do the bloggers think about Jason Calancanis’ twitter posts that he has 9,000 twitter followers?

Is he “gaming” twitter?

I would think that since Jason’s post is appearing in their “related posts” widget, it’s an implicit show of support for the post.

And correct me if I’m wrong, but if you’re following thousands of your followers, I’m pretty sure you’re not reading EVERY update.

And if you’re not reading EVERY update, isn’t that insincere to follow them in the first place?

But back to John Reese “breaking” twitter.

Blaming John for the abuse of twitter is like saying handguns are responsible for killing people.

Last time I checked, people were responsible for killing people. Twitter is just a tool.

On another point, I think John is wrong when he calls the 2 bloggers “journalists”.

Journalists reporting news create content based on facts and attempt to present a balanced perspective.

At best, the reply pieces are opinion/editorial pieces, which give you license to go outside editorial objectively and present a wholly subjective view.

I’m not the greatest fan of John’s other project, BlogRush, as you might tell from my previous posts. It’s just a tool, a piece of technology, not any kind of miracle cure by any stretch of the imagination.

I don’t think John’s tactics are going to break twitter, but there’s certainly a lot of FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) being sowed on the blogosphere.

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Internet Marketing Video Parodies Get Viral Mon, 01 Oct 2007 14:54:42 +0000 If 2006 was the year of adsense publishing and squidoo lenses, and 2007 is shaping up for PPC Super Affiliates, 2008 could see viral parody videos take off in a big way.

Thanks to IM Sweetie Alice Seba who blogged about this: Silly Sunday: Chris Crocker Possesses Dr. Mike

If you missed Britney Spears’ fan, Chris Crocker’s tirade on YouTube, you’re missing out.
[WARNING: Explicit language!]

Not to be outdone, watch Dr Mike Woo-Ming’s “Chris Crocker” style defense of John Reese’s BlogRush.

[…And subtle promo for his Lead Supreme workshop]

If there’s one takeaway from video marketing, it’s that women in bikinis never fails..
Bikini Record

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Is A BlogRush Syndication Credit Bubble (and Crash) Coming? Fri, 21 Sep 2007 11:41:39 +0000 On a number of forums and blogs like i am jack’s “The Three Big Problems With BlogRush“, there’s concern that “syndication credits” (the social currency earned and used to drive traffic) in John Reese’s BlogRush network is outpacing the rate at which they can be used. Is there a bubble building?

A bubble can develop when the supply outpaces the supply. For example, if a banana republic cranks their printing presses and floods the market with money, it causes hyper inflation, that burger which cost $5 before, might cost $100 now (due to the drop in the value of money). It leads to a crash in the economy.

There’ve been a number of bubbles in history, from the Tulip bubble (where people speculated in tulips), a run on semiconductors, real estate, and more recently the dotcoms in 2000. Is BR headed for the same?

For one, I hardly think a widget is going to have the same level of social impact as the dotcoms. So please drop the doomsday scenarios already.

Secondly, let’s look at the mechanics of the system.

You earn a “syndication credit” (which you can trade for a reciprocal link display on someone else’s blog).

Each time a blogrush widget is displayed, it lists 5 other headlines.

So the net effect is that you “earn” one credit and 5 credits are “used” when the other members headlines are displayed.

The net effect is that one new credit is brought into the system and 5 credits are taken out. Net effect: 4 credits are “burned” in the process.

So what about potential pyramid/ponzi effects of earning credits from 10 generations of your downline?

Again, look at the payout structure, I believe it’s a 1:1 payout for the 1st and maybe the second generation, from then on, it drops to something like 1:8 for the 10th generation. (ie you “earn” 1 credit for 8 credits that your 10th generation downline earns).

I didn’t work out the stats on this, but it would appear sustainable.

Lastly, if you choose to use blogrush, do remember that you are earning page impressions with your credits, it’s NOT clickthrough traffic. If you’ve used adsense or adwords, you’ll know the mechanics at work here. An impression is not the same as a visitor.

EDIT: I was chatting with IM Sweetie Alice Seba about her BR experience. She’s earned 30,594 credits and used about 8,000 resulting in 39 clicks. (about 0.48% CTR rate).

I suggested to Super Affiliate Amit Mehta that if you want to get the most mileage out of an impression-based system like blogrush, my advice would be to spend 5 minutes coming up with the headline.

A flat headline like “How To Get Started in Internet Marketing” will not get as great a response as a benefit-laden one.

Tools are just tools after all. I’ll address this in my Friday Podcast.

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BlogRush: Is Network Marketing-Based Traffic Generation A Waste Of Time? Tue, 18 Sep 2007 18:43:08 +0000 The veteran Internet Marketer known as John Reese has recently launched BlogRush, a blog-specific web2.0 widget which syndicates blog publicity across it’s network. It’s raised some debate among a number of bloggers and more importantly, how effective is it?

blog rush john reese

The idea is that each BlogRush widget displayed earns you a syndication credit, which in turn earns you a reciprocal ‘widget view’ on another blog within your category. As far as I’m aware, traffic is NOT guaranteed. You’d still need to put some effort to come up with a great headline and quality content.

What’s blogging maestro Jim Kukral’s bone of contention with BlogRush? Read: Don’t Waste Time With BlogRush, It Won’t Work.

Jim’s point about low traffic blogs not benefitting from the network (which functions as a type of exchange) is certainly valid (and likely not to get much traffic)…Unless you’re buying credits as John points out in the comments section of “BlogRush is a smart idea, for John Reese

BlogRush works well as a cornerstone lead generation for John’s Income project – It builds a huge database of prospects who are pre-qualified as wanting to blog and possibly wanting to make some Internet income.

If anything, BlogRush is the Yahoo! MyBlogLog’s social networking widget blown up to close to its commercial potential.

Rather than adopt the follow-me implementation of BlogCatalog, it’s leaped light years ahead in terms of feeding into the traffic/money making impulse of some bloggers.

The network-marketing element comes in where you build a downline up to 10 generations deep and they help you build traffic in the same way blog traffic syndicator BlogExplosion (of which I’m a member) helps you build credit.

This obviously has had some greedy Internet Marketers foaming at the mouth and firing unrelenting salvoes to their list, pushing the benefit of “free traffic”. [Do note that of the two dimensions – I think traffic quality is much more desirable than traffic quantity alone.] – I don’t have a gripe if you understand it and have actually used it. But as a list owner, if you’re merely promoting it in the hopes of getting traffic and because a big name is promoting it (rather than because you want to help your list members), you’re not putting your lists’ interests first…

While you might certainly get traffic by “doing nothing” as the BlogRush ads claim, I doubt you’d get more than a trickle if you really “do nothing”. You might as well set up a PayPal account and hope that some dummy accidentally transfers funds to the wrong account.

So we’re back to looking at BlogRush – It could be worth looking at if you aren’t already active in other communities such as MyBlogLog or PlugIM or BumpZee. I don’t think you should spread yourself further than 3 networks (seems silly to join 10 networks and never have time to participate in any of them actively).

I’d suggest that if you are serious about building your brand and expanding your content distribution, you will get better mileage out of applying to and getting accepted at a top-tier blog network like 9Rules,B5Media, Gawker or one of the established networks listed over at Blog Network List.

Or over at my friend and blogging supremo Yaro Starak’s Blog Mastermind.

If you’re not willing to put in some effort to generate the right kind of traffic, then I guess it doesn’t really matter which widget you put on your blog…

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Affiliate Internet Marketing campaign kicks off, great bonuses! Fri, 25 Aug 2006 23:10:58 +0000 I’ve received a number of questions regarding my affiliate campaign where I’m promoting:

Most questions center around:

  • Why did you choose them?
  • How much did you make?

Here’re the replies:

I chose these 2 products on the basis of:

Secret Blog Weapon (ok, the creator calls it WordPress Adsense System which sounds very scientific): This is a fresh blogging package by Malaysia-based blogger Gobala Krishnan. Gobala has been in Internet Marketing and specializes in blogging.

The contents of the package are listed in my previous post: At last, a blogger’s path to making Internet Marketing money!

The product was launched a few days ago.

First adopters will reap rewards in traffic, Google PageRank and increased Adsense revenue. Gobala’s system is based on sound principles and will stand the test of time.

Do you need it? If your Google PageRank is currently 2 or below and your Alexa is above 100,000, Gobala’s system will definitely give you a leg up.

If you have no idea what your Google and Alexa rankings are, you definitely need this product!

Ewen’s Secret Affiliate Weapon is one of the craziest buys at $9.97. In case you missed it, here’s the previous post: Ewen Chia the Internet Marketing and Affiliate Marketing guru

Ewen is widely known as a “super affiliate” having regularly topped the top affiliate marketers list of Internet Marketing luminaries like Marlon Sanders, John Reese and the Internet Marketing Center. This product also contains access to his secret blog which contains the solution to the recent ‘Google slap’ (which affects Adwords and Adsense revenue).
How’ve my results been?
I’m using a combination of SecretBlogWeapon and UltimateAffiliateWeapon for my affiliate marketing campaign.

In four days, my net earnings amount to $220. The income came from various affiliate marking products. The numbers are actually better than they look when you consider that my blog links (especially the sales links) were inaccessible for a day when I was applying Gobala’s optimization routines on my WordPress blog.

Should you get it now?

Definitely! You’d help me.

But here’s how you benefit.

I’m offering access to my Internet Marketing insider forum for any purchase of either SecretBlogWeapon and/or UltimateAffiliateWeapon.

You will need to buy through one of these links so my order tracking system can capture your particulars.

What will the Internet Marketing insider forum contain?

I’ve compiled a long list of resources which will complement your blogging, adsense and affiliate marketing efforts. These will give you a further advantage over other Internet Marketers.

I will share advanced Internet Marketing strategies which my team has developed recently and you’ll be the first ones to put them into action.

In fact, I found it was very funny how you will be paid to put some of these strategies into action, while simultaneously generating backlinks to your blog or website. Backlinks will help pump up your Google and Alexa rankings.

Will you have money rolling through the door?

If anyone says you will make big bucks overnight, stay clear away!

If you’re focusing on building a sustainable, consistent and ethical business, you will see the reward in a matter of time, depending on the effort put in.

I’m opening up 20 places in the forum. This may not sound like a lot.

However, my team will be working with each of you to help refine your blog or website. My technology development team is creating additional WordPress tools which will help enhance your results. You will have priority access to these tools.

I’ve already received feedback from some of the buyers that they aren’t interested in the forum and they just want to do casual blogging.

This means there could be much less than 20 people in the forum.

Is this good news?

Heck yeah! I’ll be happy if there is 1 participant in the forum.

It means I will be working in depth with you.

Please don’t take up the forum offer unless you are committed to grow your business.

Ultimate Affiliate Weapon buyers will receive a 3-month access (worth $30) to the Internet Marketing insiders forum, and Secret Blog Weapon buyers will receive a one-year membership (worth $120). If you buy both products, you’ll receive a 18 month lifetime membership (priceless!).

Does that sound fair?

I plan to close this offer once we’ve hit 20 members, or early next week. Whichever comes first.
This will give me time to execute our Keiretsu Marketing campaign next week.

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