page-strength – Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing BizExcellerated Internet Marketing: Achieve mastery in blogging, affiliate marketing, social traffic generation at Andrew Wee Thu, 01 Feb 2007 07:28:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 2006-2007 (Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing) (Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing) 1440 Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing 144 144 BizExcellerated Internet Marketing: Achieve mastery in blogging, affiliate marketing, social traffic generation Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing no no How Dominant Should Wikipedia in Google’s World? Thu, 01 Feb 2007 15:28:47 +0000 Rand Fishkin and the folks over at SEOmoz have launched their inaugural podcast discussion how dominant online user-edited encyclopedia resource Wikipedia should be on Googles SERPs (search engine results pages).

Doing a search for “affiliate marketing” shows the Wiki entry at the top position for the organic results.

google serp

Should Wiki entries be so dominant? Especially as the members of the SEOmoz team point out other high authority sites might provide more comprehensive and relevant information?

As Shoemoney pointed out in his posts Google Video #1 Rank – What Kind Of Traffic Does It Bring? and Top Commentors MyblogLog Integration, the evolution of alternative high authority, high traffic sites like Google Video and MyBlogLog can bring huge amounts of traffic.

Now think about Wikipedia, which generates loads of traffic, coupled with it’s dominance at the SERPs. Can you imagine how a well-placed Wiki can drive hordes of qualified, focused traffic to a site?

A good podcast to kick off SEOmoz’s series (I believe they’re planning another 4).

I liked the content and it’s great to put a face to the team.

My feedback consists of two points:

  • Tighter framing

I’m a fan of closely cropped photos and videos, which draw your eyes to the focus of attention. I’d probably have framed the shot like this:

tigher framing

  • Publicly Hosted Bugbears

As with all hosted video services, the service will attempt to serve up relevant video content. At the end of this clip, the following “related” clips popped up:

related content

While the “Shoe Shop prank” and “Mixed Armwrestling” clips might be irrelevant to Wikipedia and Google rankings, they could be good for a laugh.

Having “Cheating Wife” served up (even if it’s a joke clip), tends to detract from the informational nature of the clip.

The alternative would be to host the clips on a dedicated server, though the potential bandwidth resources would escalate exponentially, especially if the post ranks high on Digg and other services.

While you’re over at SEOmoz, you might like to check out Matt Inman and Rand’s Page Strength tool.

page strength

The purpose of the tool as listed is to:

page strength

I ran the tool on this domain and got the following summary:

page strength

Accompanying the summary is a comprehensive set of information, including dominance in the search engines, backlinks, link from .edu and .gov domains (I was surprised to see my blog listed at: Online gaming: Moral panic in Singapore), internal site links and others.

You can see the Page Strength results for

And the Page Strength tool can be found here.

In the works too are a variety of interesting SEO-related tools, I’m sure it’ll be worth checking out once they’re launched.

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