Planet-Andrea – Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing BizExcellerated Internet Marketing: Achieve mastery in blogging, affiliate marketing, social traffic generation at Andrew Wee Wed, 06 Jan 2010 06:50:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 2006-2007 (Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing) (Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing) 1440 Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing 144 144 BizExcellerated Internet Marketing: Achieve mastery in blogging, affiliate marketing, social traffic generation Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing no no PepperJam’s Kris Jones Dishes Out Super Affiliate Marketing Tips Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:22:06 +0000 I had a blast at Affiliate Summit West this past January (though it seems like a year ago…) and besides meeting up with luminaries like Shoemoney, Scott Jangro, Shawn Collins, the enigmatic e-book “crusade” Jon F of WickedFire, PlanetAndrea, a major highlight was meeting PepperJam head honcho Kris Jones in the flesh.

kris jones and andrew wee

PepperJam head honcho Kris Jones and Andrew Wee at Affiliate Summit West, Jan 2007

If you’ve been reading the PepperJamBlog for any length of time, you’d discover a treasure trove of information and can bump up your Internet Marketing efforts.

In his latest post “Affiliate Marketing – Thinking Outside the Box“, Kris dishes out the dirt on how he recently executed a campaign grossing $30,000 in sales, netting $15,000 in profit. And while some Super Affiliates may net six or seven figures in income per month, consider that Kris spent 15 minutes setting up this campaign.

So Kris has made a killing off UGG Boots.

How would he further enhance his efforts?

Using a psychographic approach to define the profile of the customers, perhaps they’re outdoor adventurers.

I’m sure most of them would need socks to go with that. Perhaps a speciality padded sock which minimizes Achilles heel injuries. If they love the great outdoors, they might be looking for a quality compass, or what about a set of walkie talkies?

If they’re buying the boots for winter use, would something like the Oakley Razor Blades be a complimentary product? Or a stylish Thinsulate clothing accessory or jacket?

By profiling your customer base and crossselling and upselling related items to them, you can effectively double and triple your profile, with ZERO acquisition cost (you’re already ‘acquired’ and pre-qualified them with their first purchase).

If you do a survey and collect their preferences, you can get the basis to develop an information product, which address their questions with pinpoint accuracy.

Perhaps boots aren’t your thing?

It’s an easy matter to use a tool like Google Trends to scope out trend hotspots and prepare your campaign to monetize the trend easily.

google trends ugg boots

If nothing else, focusing on the core business basics will keep you very comfortable and if you’re look for inspiration for your next campaign, check out Jo Han Mok’s Internet Millionaire Code.

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Why You Should Invest to Enhance Your Internet Marketing Proficiency Sat, 27 Jan 2007 18:40:16 +0000 Since it’s launch, Elite Retreat has evoked a firestorm of debate among online marketers.

Attendees from the first ER paid $4,500 per head to attend the exclusive event.

The upcoming second ER to be held on 19 and 20th March in San Francisco is raising some hackles with its $4,950 price tag.

elite retreat

elite retreat

I’ve often heard the question on the forums and a number of Internet Marketers have been asking me this question:

Is it too much?

And often I hear the gripe that paying $4,950 which works out to $2,500 per day over the 2 day workshop is too much.

I think there’s a major problem here.

And the problem is with the person asking the question.

See, I have been doing business consulting and training and managing start-ups for the better part of 10 years.

I’ve almost never looked just at how much something costs, because that’s only half the equation.

What’s more, ok, I understate it here, what’s of the utmost importance whether you should invest in the opportunity is your return on your investment (ROI if you want the jargon).

If you spend $1,000 on an investment, what would you like to get out of it? $1,050? $2,000? $10,000?

My personal benchmark has always been to get a minimum 10 times return on my investment.

If I were to spend $5,000 on an opportunity, I’d expect to get at least $50,000 back in net profits.

So the question is whether Elite Retreat is overpriced?

Looking at this issue rationally, value is a function of your return over your investment (Return / Investment).

This are the two constraints on the issue:

  1. The investment is fixed ($4,950)
  2. The return is not fixed.

The return is determined by what you want to get out of the event.

Speaking to Jeremy Schoemaker (aka Shoemoney) on the sidelines of Affiliate Summit West, he mentioned that one of the ER participants from the first workshop was now generating $2,000 a day.

Ok, I’d admit that I didn’t nail Shoemoney on whether it was gross or net profit. But even assuming a worst case scenario that it was ‘only’ a 50% net profit, that’s a cool $1,000 a day, or $365,000 a year.

On a $4,000 investment.

So the issue now is whether the ER trainers will be able to deliver on their objectives to bring you to the next level.

This time around, they’ve assembled a cast of trainers comprising:

  • Shoemoney (Search Engine Marketing, Branding, PPC, and Arbitrage)
  • Kris Jones (Affiliate Marketing and Search Arbitrage)
  • Lee Dodd (Community Building and Web Real Estate)
  • Aaron Wall (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Darren “ProBlogger” Rowse (Blogging and Monetization)
  • Neil Patel (Social Media Optimization, Reputation Management, and Viral Marketing)

So between them, I believe they have most of the bases covered. I’d think that if you were more concerned about topics like domaining, copywriting, product creation, which aren’t specifically covered in the presentations (although some of the speakers have experience in these areas), what you can do to ensure your own success is:

  1. Do your preliminary research beforehand
  2. Do the necessary testing
  3. Compile all the questions you have and bring them to ER.

Talk to the panel of trainers and fellow participants and do whatever it takes to get the necessary knowledge to get yourself to the next level.

I’m sure that even if they aren’t able to directly address your query, one of them will be able to direct you to resources to get the information you need.

Will going to ER provide the magic antidote to all your burning questions and make you an overnight millionaire?

Not likely.

Neither will signing up for a myriad of courses, or buying a million dollars worth of ebooks.

What will bring you the success you desire is the determination, perserverance and most importantly, effort, to move yourself one step closer to success.

Obviously, Shoemoney and his team have planned a roadmap for Elite Retreat to make it a major initiative this year with sessions planned in Orlando (May), Chicago (July), Phoenix (Sept), Dallas (Nov).

Should you consider investing the $4,950 for the event?

Only if you see yourself investing the effort necessary to bring yourself $50,000.

You can also read some of the related posts by:

For more details, you can visit the Elite Retreat website or call PlanetAndrea at 1(800) 888-8151.

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The Trust Meme Thu, 18 Jan 2007 10:08:32 +0000 2007 looks like it’s shaping up to have a whole lot more memes.

Some will obviously be interesting, fun and insightful. The bulk, unfortunately, will have…lots of room for improvement on being interesting, fun and insightful.

The more interesting (and slightly voyeuristic ones like the ‘5 Things About Me’) ones will tend to generate more social traffic, and attract longer term longevity and reader stickiness, especially if you come across as personable and likeable.

Sticky content is one of the foundations of sustainable and credible social traffic generation.

Yes, memes may seem to contain high school popularity contest overtones, but it’s based on a “hip geekiness quotient” (HGQ) more than anything else.

Did anyone else feel like a loner in school? Or perhaps you were the one intellectual quarterback or wrestler in the team? [I can only lay claim to being in the computer club and the electronics/audio-visual club and the occasional explosion and filling an entire chemistry lab with chlorine gas].

Back to the meme, I’ve been hit by Chris “HooMoney” Hooley.

So here goes the Trust Meme:


Ok- ‘nother meme, but this one seems bit more interesting. It’s about the trust. Greg Niland kicked off what seems to be a good one this time.

Here’s the tree so far…

Greg Niland
Rae Hoffman
Michael Gray
Todd Malicoat
Andy Hagans
Cameron Olthuis
Jarrod Hunt
Chris Hooley
The SEOmoz peeps I still trust them, but they can’t keep the meme going. I also trust Andrew Wee!
Planet “I got the biggest freaking business card collection at ASW and whooped Joe Whyte’s butt” Andrea



PA, represent!

PS: Andrea just launched her new spammy innovative cooking video site at If you’d like to make a request for spam sandwiches or baked beans and pickles on toast, drop her a comment.

Maybe if we’re really nice, she’ll make food, so we can spend more on entertainment.

PPS: I’d be really surprised if Joe Whyte doesn’t rally his Lunar Pages Marketing Team ninjas in on this one.

I still haven’t figured out whether Joe refering to me as an ‘advisary‘ is a compliment or an insult.

Should we be worried that in the same post Joe also says “I’m bring my sexy!”

Maybe someone has been studying the “All your base are belong to us” wiki and drinking a little too much juice?

An ‘advisary’? ‘I’m bring my sexy!’?

Can someone help out?

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5 Things You Don’t Know About Me: An Internet Meme Sat, 13 Jan 2007 02:18:47 +0000 When it rains, it pours. I got tagged twice today with this meme making the rounds by PlanetAndrea and CasThompson.

Like a game of ‘Pass the Message’ which you play in a big group, depending on who you check out, the meme is known as:

At first look, it seems like Shoemoney and DaveN are on to the right thing. Then again, it could mean that DaveN is good at following formats after being tagged by the Shoemeister.

So this freeform means you have the right to rename the meme (Master Rename Rights so to speak).

Instructions: (Especially for those I’m tagging)

From what I gather, you are supposed to:

  1. Disclose 5 personal things about yourself
  2. Tag another 5 victims friends to pass this labor of love to.

Here’s my 5:

  1. I am was quite the game addict. I used to clock up 8 hours a day on mudding (especially DikuMUDs) when I was in school. I clocked up another 12-14 hours per day on weekends. A mud is a multi-user dungeon, the predecessor to text-based MMPOGs (and muds are way cooler IMHO). The longest I’ve spent is 36 hours on a game of Civilization. I only stopped because I was starting to black out (and just as I was about to wipe everyone else out too).
  2. I am was also quite the Japanese manga/anime fan. To the extent that I blew a couple of thousands of dollars on graphic novels during my youth, and much more on DVDs when I failed to make it to adulthood. How do I rank on the Otaku scale? Let’s just say I wanted to name my daughters: Nausicaa (after Nausicaa: Princess of the Valley of Wind by Hayao Miyazaki) and Bianca (after the Sol Bianca sci-fi series). My wife didn’t go for Nausicaa, although my daughter’s Bianca (the Italian variant of Blanche, which means fair-skinned and beautiful).
  3. Although I’ve been paid quite a bit for writing (as a journalist generating content, and later as a consultant generating strategy plans), I write in spurts and prefably when inspired. In my youth (a long long long long time ago), I used to practise writing love poetry (I write killer haikus and sonnets), and then I handed them out to girls I met. Somehow I tended to always have a lot of company.
  4. I had plans to operate an ice cream parlour. I’d always enjoyed eating mud pies, ice cream and generally anything with chocolate in it. I spent about 6 months experimenting with recipes and testing out my creations on friends and family. Then one day I realized the idea of working 7 days a week and 12 hours a day didn’t seem that appealing. My favourite ice-cream flavors would probably be chocolate chip cookie dough, phish food, vanilla bean and basically anything with chocolate in it.
  5. I spend a lot of time watching TV (although it’s usually during meal times and just before I sleep). I like all sorts of gangster movies (Scarface being a favorite), sci-fi (Babylon 5, the 4400, X-files) and crime dramas (The Shield, Prison Break. All time Favourite: Oz)

That rounds off my 5 Things.

I’m tagging:

  1. Rachit Dayal: (dude, get moving on the Blogging Predictions 2007 meme too!)
  2. Ryan Chua: (who seems to blog in a leap year, or every time a space mission is launched, whichever is less frequent)
  3. Super Affiliate Guy Jon: (who might have more time to take part in this meme since he’s stepping out from Affiliate Marketing, though I’m not sure if I should use anchor text like “Affiliate Marketing, Affiliate Marketing Blog, Affiliate Blog” anymore. Some advice, Jon?) Oh and Jon’s promised to smack me at ASW too.
  4. Kumiko (The Cash Quest Babe): Ok, I have a thing for attractive young women aiming to make money (…from online ventures). She’s got a ‘bubbly’ writing style too.
  5. Chris Hooley: Chris is too &*&(_&^ creating weird junk like HooMoney and going on SEO Pub Crawls to participate in my blogging meme. With friends like Hooley, who needs…

Since I was double-tagged, I’ll do the excessive thing and go tag another 5 bloggers (I’m not sure how Laura’s going to reply from her Notebook forum to being blog tagged by PlanetAndrea (who’s likely from another planet).

Here goes:

  1. New mum and social media optimizer Michelle MacPhearson: Badder Adder pawns MySpace. Next stop: MyBlogLog!
  2. I scanned and it seems my anime homie (and fellow 9ruler), Michael Ono, amazingly hasn’t been tagged yet.
  3. Tag guru and fellow 9ruler, Richard Ball
  4. 9ruler Social Media specialist Emergence Media (Daniel Riveong) – he has a really cool ‘slider bar’ navigation tool to move through his blog. And social media being his thang, I figured a meme is just what the doctor ordered.
  5. Bluehost CEO Matt Heaton (Because I came across his blog when scouting for web hosting and moved my sites over, impressed by his integrity, candor and honesty)

Ok, all, I’m looking forward to something juicy interesting

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Internet Aftershocks from the Taiwan Earthquake Fri, 05 Jan 2007 10:18:20 +0000 More than a week after the Taiwan earthquake which damaged a number of undersea optic fiber communications cable (see: Taiwan Earthquake Rocks Internet Marketing World), things are still not quite up to speed.

Although there is Internet connectivity in the 99% region, the available bandwidth has been affected. I estimate that in Asia (southwards of Taiwan) are probably at about 60%-80% of the pre-earthquake levels. I suspect the Internet Service Providers might be metering the bandwidth and skewing more resources towards corporates.

Although I have both cable modem and DSL connections, I’m finding that hosted applications like web-based email, my WordPress blog (which is hosted on a US server) and especially photo stock archives like have excruciatingly slow load times. Lag times of 10-20 seconds for WordPress page loads are common, and widgets like MyBlogLog slow it down even further. It feels like we’ve moved back to the 28.8kbps dial-up modem days.

Being hostage to fast big data pipes is one bugbear we’ll have to deal with, especially as web applications are, well, more web-based. We’ll increasingly be held to the mercy of fiber optic (or should that be optic fiber? I’ve heard it used both ways) cables.

YouTube and other video streaming sites have pretty much come to a screaming halt for me.

I was checking out Kris Jone’s PepperJamBlog post “The Next Lonely Girl – ShmulTube is on Fire” about Shmuly Tennenhaus and was looking forward to viewing Shmuly work out at the Walmart Center. All I get is a black screen.

Andrea and Chris Hooley were also talking about some funny videos on YouTube, no luck there either.

Having a vulnerability such as being subject to a major POP (point of presence) through Taiwan will put a major dent in the Asia’s plans to lead the technological charge. Singapore’s recently rolled out free wireless broadband Internet access in the city center. This will be fairly hollow if we can’t surf out of the country at fast speeds.
Content will be one of the major determinant of success, as well as choke points in this drive, especially since the majority of content resides mainly in the US.

Although the government have activated contingency plans to route data through alternative routes, it clearly isn’t providing the same quality of service. “404 Page Not Found” errors are becoming a daily occurence.

If my business was primarily audio or video-based, or I used VoIP applications like Skype for the majority of my business communications, the estimated two week period to repair the underseas cables would make a major dent in my revenue and profits. Certainly not a good start to 2007.

I’ve heard some advice such as using an Australian public proxy to get faster browsing, but I think it’s more a stopgap measure more than anything.

If Asia plans to stay on track after we recover from this round of natural diaster (and my heart goes out to the people of Taiwan), telcos will need to continue to invest in more infrastructure.

As the Web continues to become more bandwidth intensive, we’ll experience the equivalent of ‘bandwidth blackouts’ and that certainly isn’t anything to look forward to.

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Riding on Free Backlinks (and Monetizing It) Thu, 04 Jan 2007 23:11:46 +0000 I was looking through the comments for the previous post, and Char gave an example of her permalink structure, citing “domainname (dot) com / postname”.

For the record, domainname (dot) com is an actual domain. And it has a decent PR6, Alexa 153,000.

Imagine 500 bloggers or content publishers citing that example and reproducing the link  on their site every month…

That would add up to a significant number of backlinks would it?

And by extension, you can leverage on your Google PR by pointing at your other domains, or selling text or banner links through PlanetAndrea’s banner/text brokering services.

Sounds compelling, doesn’t it?

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Blog Predictions 2007 – An Internet Meme Mon, 01 Jan 2007 18:34:04 +0000 Every week, yet another journalist or online marketer predicts the Death of Blogging. Ironicially, sometimes these ‘predictions’ are made by bloggers.

Far from dying, there’s a resurgence in blogging, judging by the flow of private equity and growth of blog networks.

Just look at the nearly 1,200 submissions for the Round 5 submissions for the 9rules Blog Network or check the stats at the Blog Network List. Darren Rowse’s b5media blog network got a nice chunk of capital funding too.

2007 will see a further evolution of blogging as we know it.

Perhaps ‘blogging’ (a truncation of weblog) may evolve as a term to fully encompass what it represents.

Here’re 4 trends I see this year.

Offline to Online Content

  • Offline to Online Content Migration

Even without Amazon and Google’s efforts to digitize content for the Internet, a multitude of content publishers are bringing more content online every day.

Besides info portals, such as and Wikipedia, individuals bloggers are blogging about their pet topics.

Aside from quoting online news sources, bloggers often cite print media, cable television, movies and other old line media (I guess this year someone will start call it media 1.0?). During this process, it’s inevitable that more content will migrate from a paper-based medium to an electronic one.

It only means that the online will will only continue to get more info-rich.

At the same time, it also means that third world countries where dial-up Internet connections (remember those?) at speeds of 28.8 kbps (that’s kilobits, not megabits) will only get further stratified by the digital divide.
Beyond food, water and shelter, the info-rich online environment will provide an opportunity to accelerate progress in the developing world.

blog monetization

  • Blog Income Monetization Opportunities Increase

Bloggers increasingly have a number of options to generate income from their blogs.

Options like Google Adsense publishing, paid content posting (from the likes of PayPerPost), banners and text links, affiliate marketing and CPA networks, provide options for bloggers to go beyond just posting on a ‘passion’ (ie unpaid) basis to considering blogging as an alternative to a 9-to-5 job.

For newer bloggers however, it will take some time before they get their rhythmn going.

And I’d still advice newer bloggers to build up good content and develop a following before cramming as much adsense and banners on your blogs.

These monetization strategies generally require planning to create quality content, effectively publicize your blog, generate sufficient viewership and readership numbers, to successfully create a decent income from your blogging efforts.

Most bloggers will be able to generable a couple of hundred dollars to a thousand dollars worth of blogging-related income once they learn the ropes. But to step up to the next level of a professional blogger, it’ll require effective blogging strategies. (For which I’m currently developing products to address those needs).

Rich Media

  • Blogging Goes The Rich Media Route

Perhaps it’s due to it’s traditional association with maintaining an online diary, but blogging still remains very text-based. You might sometimes get the occassional graphic or photo accompanying the posts.

To date, the number of blogs with audio or video still remains quite low. In fact, a number of blog directories have dropped the vlog (or video blog) category altogether this year, due to underwhelming demand.

Attaching a video from YouTube can sometimes be a bugbear (even if it’s as simple as pasting HTML code into your blog).

Plus, you’ve probably encountered the ‘bandwidth traffic jam’ which hits many of these video hosting sites at peak hours.
In the coming year, we might see more Internet bandwidth expanding as Internet Service Providers buy bigger chunks of bandwidth, and increase bandwidth to the video service providers.

We might even see new video caching services available which will help ease the video bandwidth bottleneck.

As for the immediate future, podcasting looks like it has the next lowest barrier of entry, especially as bloggers become more adept at audio applications like Audacity.

Looking for inspiration? Check out Webmaster Radio


  • RSS Goes Mainstream

Email went mainstream approximately in the mid 1990s, when email addresses started appearing on business cards, despite the fact that email has been around since the 1960s.

The predecessors to RSS (really simple syndication) were developed in the mid-1990s. And although push-type services like BackWeb and Pointcast were a little ahead of the curve, bloggers are among the early adopters of RSS services.

To date most casual Internet surfers have no idea what RSS is, much less how to subscribe to a RSS feed. (You could’ve included me in that category about half a year ago).

Added to that is the fact that RSS readers tended to be web-based or required third party applications to access. Which makes RSS a mess for most net surfers to get into.

Will 2007 be the year that RSS readers become more user friendly? (I still have problems successfully subscribing to Atom and RSS feeds sometimes)

Here’s a thought, if all email clients supported RSS feeds and even better, RSS appeared as almost indistinguishable from email, wouldn’t we see widespread adoption of RSS?

The Blogging Predictions 2007 meme

Those were my blogging predictions for 2007 and I intended to launch an Internet meme off this post.

(check out the classic Leeroy Jenkins World of Warcraft Internet meme. Avoid if you’re offended by gamer vulgarity)

Here’s the meme topic: What’re your Blogging Predictions in 2007? (Include your top prediction or a selection of your expected trends)

How to play:

  1. Blog about the meme topic
  2. Include a trackback to this post at: –> Blog Predictions 2007 Meme Trackback
  3. Pass it on to another 5 bloggers.

Come back here and check out the trackbacks for the link madness. What better way to start out 2007, eh?
To kick things off, I’ll send this to a selection of 20 blogs:

  1. 9rules Network Official Blog
  2. Darren Rowse AKA Problogger
  3. Yaro Starak – Entrepreneur’s Journey
  4. Apogee Weblog
  5. Rachit Dayal
  6. Jeremy Schoemaker AKA Shoemoney
  7. Andrea Schoemaker AKA PlanetAndrea
  8. Neil Patel
  9. RumblePup
  10. Robyn Tippins AKA Sleepyblogger
  11. Chris Hooley – ThinkBait
  12. Michael Gray – Graywolf
  13. Andy Beard
  14. Scott Jangro
  15. Kevin Nair
  16. Shawn Collins
  17. Steven Wong
  18. Gobala Krishnan
  19. Rashenbo
  20. Dazzling Girl

And lest I forget, the TickMe bloggers crew:

TickMe Bloggers

which includes fellow 9ruler Cameron Olthuis

hmm…this is almost too much work for the new year…

PS: If you’d like to play, do your own meme post and trackback to: Internet meme trackback

PPS: Meme project updates can be found at: Blogging Meme Reloaded

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Head to Las Vegas in 2007 for Affiliate Marketing Strategies, Tips and Secrets Thu, 28 Dec 2006 00:43:31 +0000 It’s confirmed, I’ll be heading to Las Vegas in late January for Shawn Collins’ Affiliate Summit West 2007.

I’ll be heading to the US for this event which’ll be useful to bring my affiliate marketing skills to a new level.

Highlights for the event include topics such as:

  • Marketing Your Affiliate Site – Outside of the Box
  • How to Recruit Super Affiliates
  • Optimizing with Your Merchant Partner
  • The Current State of Online Lead Generation
  • Anatomy of a Viral Video — Maximum ROI
  • Search Affiliates: Partners or Parasites?
  • Optimizing Landing Pages
  • Next Generation Affiliate Recruitment – Why What You Know Doesn’t Work Anymore
  • Panel: Lead Generation the New Kids On the Block

What I’m looking forward to though are three sessions:

  • Bloggers – The New Super Affiliates (Super affiliates today are essentially the webmasters from 5-10 years ago. Bloggers are the next wave of super content producers, soon to be turned super affiliates; this session will discuss what affiliate managers can do with them.)
  • What is Your Affiliate Management IQ? (Anik Singal, CEO, Affiliate Classroom, Inc.)
  • Ask the Experts: Super Affiliates (This will is expected to be crazy because super affiliates Jon F ( and and Jeremy “Shoemoney” Schoemaker ( and will be on the panel)

Oh, and Andrea wanted me to mention that I am excited to finally meet the infamous, beautiful and talented PlanetAndrea. (I think that’s all the adjectives she wanted me to include).

Will you be headed to Affiliate Summit West?

Update: Here’s the link for ASW’s signup

–> Affiliate Summit West

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Are You Socially Elite? Get TickMe Sat, 16 Dec 2006 09:03:02 +0000 PlanetAndrea just alerted me to this.
TickMeUK-based Search Engine Optimization (SEO) specliast David Naylor has just announced the launch of his new Social Networking site TickMe (TickMe – New Social Networking Site).

Ok, so you may or may not be socially inept, but the fact is that TickMe can help you expand your network, project a different persona in your profile, or simply generate more traffic for your blog, website, portal.

I’m expecting that Terry from Kineda will be coming over very shortly to set up something. And we could use more pictures of Scarlett Johannson and Japanese Race Queens, can’t we?

TickMe’s interesting because there’s a system in place to protect your ego.

According to David:

It’s a bit like Myspace/Faceparty but with more privacy and a dating slant. It’s all very simple. Log in and “tick” someone you like the look of. They won’t know you’ve ticked them unless they tick you back and you get a mutual tick! Cut out all the nonsense and be sure that the people you’re communicating with are on the same wavelength.

That may be true, but if you you look at the profiles:


I’m not sure how I feel about my birthdate going out to everyone, especially if you’re particular about privacy.

Inherent in the TickMe’s assumptions is that if you’re a male, you’re ‘looking to meet women’. I guess it could offer more customization to factor in gays and bisexuals in time?

Minor grouses aside, the traffic is awesome, especially the site having made Digg.

Key to establishing your social presence on TickMe is to colonize the virtual space. Like domain names, once your group name is gone, your group name is gone!
Here’s a snapshot of my group affiliations at 1am:


Andrew Wee Group Affiliations: 1251am

and 8 hours later


Andrew Wee Group Affiliations 823am

TickMe’s user growth at the launch is fairly viral. Tap on that traffic to use it effectively.

The group chat functions works quite well too.

You might be surprised at some of the Internet Marketing luminaries you see on the site too.

Check it out at:

–> TickMe

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Azoogle Ads Recruitment Campaign Launched Tue, 07 Nov 2006 09:37:07 +0000 Azoogle AdsIn conjunction with Andrea Schoemaker (AKA PlanetAndrea), we’re announcing our partnership to jointly promote Azoogle Ads.

I’d be searching for a good CPA (cost per action) network for quite some time and the ones I’d be using, didn’t prove to be too effective for me.

In about 4 months of promotion, I’d racked up a mighty $0.94.

You can tell I was really enthused about doing promotion for that network, till I’d read Shoemoney’s (AKA the Ringtone King) blog about his results with Azoogle and that got me all fired up again.

One of my DKers who’s still in high school launched his site and has generated decent Azoogle income within 3 days with minimal promotion.

I sat up.

I applied to Azoogle, got them to prioritize my approval and they did it on the spot.

Now that’s service!


Here’re some background from the Azoogle website:

AzoogleAds is a performance-based online advertising network that delivers both amazing results for its Advertisers and easy to manage and highly profitable revenue stream for its Publishers.

Since 2000, online marketers have depended on the AzoogleAds Network to deliver targeted and untargeted customers from a variety of websites, search portals, newsletters and contextual Publishers. AzoogleAds manages this marketplace of online of Publishers eager to generate revenue by promoting products and Advertisers wishing to acquire new customers.

Publishers (blog and website owners) will probably be concerned with the following:

  • Maximize revenue generated with your ad inventory
  • Guaranteed HIGHEST payouts
  • Rock solid net 15 payments
  • Quick and easy implementation so you can start generating revenue quickly
  • Fanatical client support
  • Superior technology tracking

Are they big?

Consider this:

  • The AzoogleAds Network is comprised of over 14,000 quality websites and Publishers
  • Our network reaches approximately 75% of Internet users
  • We have access to billions of performance-based impressions a month
  • We have over a hundred top tier advertising partners, many from Fortune 1000 and Fortune 500 companies

What I like best is that when I called customer support, I wasn’t channel to a interactive voice response system, or had to bang on my phone buttons to get transferred. The phone was answered within 3 rings and I got to speak to a pleasant lady who approved my account within 5 minutes. Now that’s service!

So what’s up with, PlanetAndrea and Azoogle Ad?

So to spearhead this new initiative, I’m setting up an Azoogle thread in my DigitalKeiretsu forum and giving new strategies to accelerate your CPA campaigns.

I’ll also be collating content from Shoemoney’s blog/radio show and other content sources I’ve recently gained access to.
In short, we’ll going long on our collaboration with Azoogle Ads.

If you’re like to join up, here’s the link:

–> Azoogle Ads Publisher Information and Sign up

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Internet Marketing Elite Retreat launched Wed, 01 Nov 2006 16:48:23 +0000 Elite Retreat was formally launched on Shoemoney’s Net Income radio show this morning.

Here’s the launch banner:

Elite Retreat

Here’s the site:

Shoemoney mentions on his post: Elite Retreat December 18-19 San Antonio

This is a really new and interesting style of conference. This is open to a very select group of people who maybe feel like they are on the verge of something big within their company but just need a little help to get over the edge.

No matter what that is we should have you covered. We have assembled a team that can cover any area of business on the internet.

And there’s an application process involved:

People who want to attend the elite retreat need to fill out a brief application of what they expect to get out of the conference. This helps us determine if for sure we can help you. It is not automatic that everyone will be approved for this retreat. If we feel we truly will not be able to help you then there is not use in wasting your time and money.

Facilitators for this event-

Some points to note:

The ratio of Facilitators to attendees will be an unheard of 1:6.

The role of Elite Retreat is to get to know participants business on a 1-1 level then formulate a “plan of attack” to help them succeed.

The Elite Retreat team will have follow up calls to see if there are any obstacles and to check on your progress.

Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

Already 2 of the 35 slots have been taken up.

Here’s a word from Elite Retreat project manager, Andrea Schoemaker:

Download audio file (andrea.mp3)

Here’s the site again:

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Blogging tips from Tue, 31 Oct 2006 17:46:18 +0000 Blogger and Internet Marketer Andrea Schoemaker is helping to generate the content today.

I managed to secure an interview with her and she shared some blogging tips.

In case, you aren’t already familiar with Andrea.

Here’s a pic:

Shoemoney and PlanetAndrea

Internet Siblings: Shoemoney (Jeremy Schoemaker) and PlanetAndrea (Andrea Schoemaker)

Are you ready to enter the world of PlanetAndrea?

Here goes: says: hi Andrea, this is Andrew Wee, how’re u doing today?

Andrea Schoemaker says: I’m great Andrew! says: Great! You’re Shoemoney’s (Jeremy Schoemaker) co-host on the Net Income radio show, and I think most people kinda associate you as being his kid sister, don’t they?

Andrea Schoemaker says: That is often the case says: I hear you’re coming out with something interesting, aren’t you?

Andrea Schoemaker says: Yes, I have been tagged “little sister” however I do have my own things I do yes. says: What’ve you up to?

Andrea Schoemaker says: Jeremy had asked me to come onboard Net Income as co-host to setup a format, book guests, and moderate questions from the chatroom and forum. I’ve also joined in on discussions and given my own experiences in the industry. says: Cool. How’s it been so far?

Andrea Schoemaker says: I love doing the radio show, I’ve been in contact with some pretty amazing and smart people in the internet marketing/affiliate industry.

It’s been really great getting to learn and discuss current industry issues with those people that not many get the chance to do. says: Who’s been the most interesting so far?

Andrea Schoemaker says: Honestly, every guest since I’ve started co-hosting has been enlightening to me. I’ve been able to take away something from all of them and learn.

I even use a lot of the tools and ideas they talk about on the show to use within my own sites and business. says: That’s great. I’m really envious of your opportunity. By the way, what do you do business-wise?

Andrea Schoemaker says: I have my business site, which I am currently “remodeling” at the moment. The site will detail my skills and business ventures that I am currently doing.

It will also contain a blog about internet marketing thoughts and ideas that I come across. says: I hear you used to or maybe still maintain quite a number of blogs?

Andrea Schoemaker says: As far as sites go, I have a lot of blogs out there that I started a long time ago as a “newbie” in this industry.

I started blogging about 3 years ago, and I was able to teach myself my own version of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) without even knowing what SEO was.PlanetAndrea

Using tools from the forum and reading a lot of forums about optimization and marketing really helped me after my sites were up and running. says: Wow, that’s really cool. You’re a self-taught blogger?

Andrea Schoemaker says: Yeah, before the days when everyone and their brother had blogs, I started making blogs about my hobbies.

I had blogs about cooking, scrapbooking, travel, and family issues. says: Interesting. Are you still an active blogger?

Andrea Schoemaker says: Absolutely. I feel that the roots of where I am now are a staple in my adventure.

I still add content to my blogs but now I have many new ideas and concepts on how to optimize them

It’s been a very interesting road watching what blogs have turned into over the years. says: How’ve blogs changed?

Andrea Schoemaker says: It’s frustrating to see so many blogs with useless content. I started my blogs because I think people can actually “use” what I give them.

I am not a fan of the “made for adsense” blogs.

A lot of people have strayed from what a blog should be about, at least from my point of view. says: I take it you have lots of original content on your blogs?

Andrea Schoemaker says: I do have original content on my blogs, yes. However, there are items that I blog about from interesting sites I find that might be of use to other people who read my blog as well. says: That’s a good balanced approach says: By the way, Andrea, are there some tips you could give to aspiring bloggers?

Andrea Schoemaker says: I’d like to highlight something important to me. People like personalization.

If they are able to feel a connection with the site, they will keep coming back for more. That is why it frustrates me to see so many spam blogs out there now. It’s lost the personal touch I try to keep on my sites. says: How do you define personalization?

Andrea Schoemaker says: In the age of reality tv, people enjoy either conflict or struggle. If you have a personal blog, I’d recommend that you give a little bit of yourself in the posts whether it be some type of commentary or opinion about the blog post itself.

It’s all a part of making the connection with your readers. says: How’ve you managed to make yr blogs personal?

Andrea Schoemaker says: On my personal blog (which is currently under construction) I gave highly intimate details of my life. Anything from relationship issues, personal dilemmas, etc.

If you show honesty and keep things real, then people feel like they know you and want to keep reading more. says: From what you’re saying, it’s almost a voyeur-ish appeal?

Andrea Schoemaker says: It’s interesting, yes. People like reading gossip, hearing about your struggles, seeing your achievements, etc. says: I think it definitely adds to the reality of it, and from a reader perspective, I can ‘feel’ that I’m ‘connecting’ with a fellow human being, even if I’m starting at a screen filled with words and pictures.

I get a sense of what you mean by getting personal.

Does that make you feel vulnerable? Being so open?

Andrea Schoemaker says: My personal blog has become an issue I’ve been considering making private, but have not done it yet.

Ever since I started my business, I’ve noticed my blog entries have changed and have been less personal. I’ve been thinking a lot about it lately, and I feel that it is important for people to truly know who I am. says: Is it easy to balance the business and the personal? How do you do it?

Andrea Schoemaker says: Business I base off of the work that I do.
Personal I may rant about struggles I’m having making the business end happen.

In my personal blog, it’s all about how I’m feeling when I blog. If I’m frustrated, I’ll let it all out.
That’s why I made the blog in the first place. A personal journal of my life. I’d like to keep it that way. says: That’s a good way to separate the public and private lives. says: I guess the personal blog would be less income-oriented?

Andrea Schoemaker says: I didn’t make my personal blog to make money. It began just for my use only and I started getting regular readers and it spread from there. I’ve dabbled with different ad companies just for the sake of testing, but it’s certainly not a large income generator. says: I think bloggers can certainly learn a lot from your experience.

Can they take a look at your blogs?

Andrea Schoemaker: Currently I’m remodeling my site PlanetAndrea from my old personal blog, to now my business website. says: What’ll your business website do? What’s its focus?

Andrea Schoemaker says: My business site will focus on my abilities and what I have to offer. I’m venturing out into many new areas of internet marketing, advertising, and event planning. I just want people to see what I’m capable to do, and go from there.

I love doing project management for other people, and I’d like to give people the opportunity to utilize my organizational and personal business knowledge skills.

While I was attending college, I did a lot of odd jobs for people online. I still enjoy doing the occasional odd jobs for people because it still keeps me in the loop of what’s happening online.

Hey, I have to meet a client shortly. says: Thanks for your time. Any parting advice? An online word from the wise?

Andrea Schoemaker says: I’m pretty excited about my business and expanding my knowledge. The Internet is a constantly changing medium that so many people don’t have any idea how the backend works.

I’m glad to be a part of it all.

AND I’m looking forward to expanding my business and watch it grow. says: glad to have talked to you today, Andrea. Keep us updated when is up. says: When’s it supposed to be ready, by the way?

Andrea Schoemaker says: I’m hoping to have everything up and running around mid-November says: tks, and you take care.

Andrea Schoemaker says: Thank you Andrew, it’s been my pleasure. says: Bye!

You can check out Andrea’s current projects at:

]]> 1 Encountering Planet Andrea Sat, 21 Oct 2006 00:14:42 +0000 Planet AndreaI just had a fun chat with Andrea Schoemaker, who’s the founder of Planet Andrea (her blog is currently under maintenance and will be up soon).

I’d talked to her a couple of times on Shoemoney’s forums and she’s a really cool gal.

She mentioned that there’s something interesting upcoming in December.

Although the details haven’t been announced yet.

I’m seriously thinking of heading over to the US for this event.

Though, I’m figuring that I ought to head closer to my $20,000 a month mark before taking the next step to head to the US for this event.

Still, it’s something interesting, and I might take it up if I can get my income to the $10,000 a month mark by the end of November.

We’ll see.

In case you’re wondering, Andrea’s the sister of Jeremy Schoemaker (aka Shoemoney).

And yes, he’s the dude holding up the $132,000 adsense check for the month of Septemeber 2005.

Don’t you wish you were that lucky?Net Income

The next best thing would be to download their Net Income radio shows.

You can download them in MP3 format from Net Income episode archive.

Some of the past topics include:

  • Jeremy (Shoemoney) takes calls from the public and gives out some secret tips on how to make money.
  • Jeremy and Andy talk about the top 10 ways to make money on the web and take a few calls from listeners.
  • Jeremy and Kris continue thier talk about making money with various Pay per click engines, arbitrage strategies, and various affiliate programs.

Sound attractive?

I thought so.

I’ve set my download manager to download every show I can find.

Great stuff.

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