widgets – Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing http://whoisandrewwee.com BizExcellerated Internet Marketing: Achieve mastery in blogging, affiliate marketing, social traffic generation at Andrew Wee Tue, 02 Oct 2007 04:50:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.9 2006-2007 andreww38@gmail.com (Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing) andreww38@gmail.com (Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing) 1440 http://www.whoisandrewwee.com/wp-content/plugins/podpress/images/powered_by_podpress.jpg Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing http://whoisandrewwee.com 144 144 BizExcellerated Internet Marketing: Achieve mastery in blogging, affiliate marketing, social traffic generation Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing andreww38@gmail.com no no Product Review of Blog/Content Site Monetization Widget: WidgetBucks http://whoisandrewwee.com/blogging/product-review-of-blogcontent-site-monetization-widget-widgetbucks/ http://whoisandrewwee.com/blogging/product-review-of-blogcontent-site-monetization-widget-widgetbucks/#comments Tue, 02 Oct 2007 12:50:36 +0000 http://www.whoisandrewwee.com/blogging/product-review-of-blogcontent-site-monetization-widget-widgetbucks/ Tech entrepreneurs have done it again, this time infusing money-making opportunities into Web 2.0 widgets.
My friend, Jim Kukral mentioned that WidgetBucks will have a launch at Tuesday midnight EST. But who can really make money out of this?

Before you rush out and install on your blog, I’d do some due diligence to make sure you’ll earn something decent and that you’ll get paid.

From WidgetBuck’s website: “WidgetBucks comes to you from the folks at Mpire Corporation, the award-winning meta-shopping service. Mpire’s extensive shopping data experience, including its proprietary contextual, analytics and relevancy algorithms, power WidgetBucks. Founded in 2005, Mpire is backed by Ignition Partners and former eBay executive and Pay Pal angel investor Richard Rock.

WidgetBucks Jim Kukral

What is WidgetBucks?
It’s a javascript-based widget (a small banner-like graphic) that you install on your website or blog, and it uses a comparison shopping type engine to pull relevant listings (the FAQ says “Product listings from 30,000 merchants including trusted leading brands”) and displays it there.

It works on a PayPerClick basis, so it’s similar to adsense, though at $3-6 eCPM ($3-6 per 1,000 visitors), it’s claimed to pay much higher than the industry average of $1-2 eCPM.

Of course compared to affiliate marketing, where I earn about $10-$100 per customer, WidgetBucks and AdSense will seem like chump change.

As has been mentioned before in this blog, affiliate marketing requires that you have some marketing skills, know how to present offers, convert leads into sales.

If on the other hand, you’re happy to blog about xbox360s or scrapbooking or weight management (what some bloggers label “pure blogging”), then the folks at WidgetBucks will take care of the moneymaking element for you.

merchsense widgetbucks

WidgetBucks has some intelligent contextual features- their MerchSense technology:
MerchSenseâ„¢ is Mpire’s patent-pending contextual algorithm engine. It detects and analyzes the content of your website or blog to determine what product offers are most relevant to your audience. If you choose the MerchSense option when creating a new widget, simply place the code on your site and let MerchSense automatically provide the most appropriate ad content. MerchSense evaluates your editorial information daily, so, as your content changes, WidgetBucks will dynamically offer the highest-yielding products.

Who’s like to benefit from WidgetBucks?
I’d hazard a guess to say that consumer-related sites would benefit the most.
You could have a blog or content website (and I’m guessing you should be able to insert the code into a Joomla CMS or a vBulletin forum pretty easily too) focused on:

  • celebrities
  • electronic gadgets
  • computer games
  • fashion/apparell
  • books

to benefit from this. I would guess that Internet marketers would try to hock ebooks on this, but I don’t think it’ll be that effective.

I don’t really fancy buying my ebooks from a comparison engine, or one of those eBay widgets, do you?

A couple of grouses I have with WidgetBucks:
Slow Load Time
I visited Jim Kukral’s blog and the widget took about 10 seconds to load (the content came up instantly). I’m using a pretty powerful machine on a 12mbps cable modem connection, so I think it might be WidgetBucks’ server trying to serve up an offer?

If your content is pretty sticky to keep the reader reading for that 5-10 seconds, you should be ok.

Large Banners/Ad Sizes
As the comparison engine needs quite a bit of on-screen real estate, the widgets are pretty large at sizes of 160×600, 300×250, 728×90, 468×60 and 660×330.

By virtue of its sheer size, it will become one of your dominant monetization strategies if you display it on your blog or website.

WidgetBucks Sign-Up Bonus
As a bonus to early adopters, new WidgetBucks members get a $25 credit in their account. Once you’ve earned $25, you’ll received $50 ($25 credit + $25 of your own earnings).

Payouts are made on the first of every month for all revenue earned during the previous month (subject to a minimum of $50.)

Although payments are available either via check or paypal, I’d advise Europe and Asia-based subscribers to receive paypal payments, as check clearing fees for US-drawn checks can get pretty horrendous. (unless it’s in the neighbourhood of $500 or $1,000).

Does WidgetBucks Really Bring In The Bucks?
Here’s the million dollar question.

The answer is that it doesn’t really matter…
See, any monetization strategy is workable…if you work at it.
I could have a niche blog generating $0.05 per adsense click, but if I brought sufficient volume, it would be a lucrative business.

With WidgetBuck’s $3-6 eCPM, it isn’t anything to shout about.

If you’d like higher payouts, you’d probably have to get more involved with affiliate marketing or develop your own products.

WidgetBucks IS a fairly passive source of income generation and would be good for those with static content sites or would like to focus solely on their blogging efforts.

Sign up for WidgetBucks now

http://whoisandrewwee.com/blogging/product-review-of-blogcontent-site-monetization-widget-widgetbucks/feed/ 40
Eric Marcoullier Leaves MyBlogLog http://whoisandrewwee.com/blogging/eric-marcoullier-leaves-mybloglog/ http://whoisandrewwee.com/blogging/eric-marcoullier-leaves-mybloglog/#comments Mon, 23 Jul 2007 18:44:24 +0000 http://www.whoisandrewwee.com/blogging/eric-marcoullier-leaves-mybloglog/ Last Friday, blog social network MyBlogLog co-founder Eric Marcoullier posted on the official MyBlogLog blog his “So Long and Thanks For All The Fish” post, announcing he would be leaving the company with the most commonly displayed blog widget, a company which Yahoo! acquired for $10 million earlier in the year.

Every MyBlogLog blogger will have some relationship with Eric. After all he’s the default “friend” when you join the network.

eric marcoullier

With Eric’s departure, will new MBL members be greeted by Yahoo! Community Manager Robyn Tippins?

It was just a little over a month ago that MyBlogLog ran their ad on StandoutJobs to hire two wickedly good developers.

eric marcoullier todd sampson

In the video ad, Eric, seen with MyBlogLog co-founder Todd Sampson were talking about the atmosphere at the young company, and it’s a pity to see Eric’s departure.

He’ll be gradually phasing to becoming one of the bloggers in the MBL community, creating the moniker bpm140 and will be blogging over at marcoullier.com.

I’m thinking bpm140 could be an abbreviation for 140 beats per minute.

Given Eric’s penchant for dance music, see his KLF post, I’m guess bpm140 could either refer to heart-thumping dance music, or merely the heart rate of a baby (he’ll be a dad for the second time soon). Perhaps it’s a dual reference…good one, Eric.

His priorities following “retirement”:

  • enjoying the pending birth of my second son
  • losing some weight
  • finally getting my contacts organized
  • read a bunch of books
  • Oh, and getting reacquainted with an old friend called “blog”

I noticed that he’s got “insert pithy tagline here” below the title of his blog. Perhaps he’ll be starting a “pithy tagline” meme soon.

We can only hope.

http://whoisandrewwee.com/blogging/eric-marcoullier-leaves-mybloglog/feed/ 5
WordPress Blogging Pipeline and Projections http://whoisandrewwee.com/blogging/wordpress-blogging-pipeline-and-projections/ http://whoisandrewwee.com/blogging/wordpress-blogging-pipeline-and-projections/#comments Wed, 09 May 2007 14:24:47 +0000 http://www.whoisandrewwee.com/blogging/wordpress-blogging-pipeline-and-projections/ One of the WordPress development team, Ryan Born, noted in his post WordPress 2.2 Release Candidate 1 will not include a tagging feature, the next version could include a comprehensive taxonomy framework which could open up the field for interesting plugins.

The year has been an interesting one for WordPress bloggers with the release of about 5 major and incremental upgrades since the start of the year.

It’s interesting to see WordPress grow from more a GNU General Public License hobbist project, to a comprehensive solution that corporates are increasingly embracing.

The fact that new WordPress versions currently do or will eventually include native functions like:

  • Email functions like (phpMailer)
  • Tagging (which helps out the information sorting and relevance process in the age of info overload)
  • Widgets (to expand its functions from it’s base text/graphics-information Content Management System publishing origins)
  • XML-RPC APIs for otherwise static “Pages” as distinguished from the dynamic “Post” counterparts
  • Further ATOM feed and API support for increased content distribution syndication

These initiatives give WordPress a big step up from other more Web1.0 corporate-oriented blogging platforms.

And ultimately it’s about choice. If you choose to do a cotton candy blog featuring Youtube videos you can do it just as easily as disseminating information on service uptimes and kernel updates via a corporate blog.

Even if your favorite features like tags aren’t natively supported in WordPress now, you can easily add the functions by installing the appropriate plugin. The techset is figuring out the next big thing too.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed to see native support for audio and video content. We might see it sooner than we think.

Also check out:

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