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Posts Tagged ‘law of attraction’

The Law Of Attraction Debunked

Made famous by the 2006 film, “The Secret“, the search phrase “Law of Attraction” throws up tons of results on any of the search engines.

From self-professed “Law of Attraction coaches”, to being able to gain mastery over the secrets of life, it just seems so easy and just a $19.95 shipping and handling charge away.

The essence of the Law of Attraction, though it seems somewhat hokey and new age-ish especially after being given the quasi- or even pseudo-scientific spin by para-scientents (ie: not quite “official” scientists) has its basis in books like Wallace D Wattles “The Science of Getting Rich” and Napolean Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” (although Napolean died poor…).

The major problem I have with the whole “Law of Attraction” movement is its emphasis on “thinking” and somehow attracting wealth, happiness or whatever you want to attract to you.

If it smells a little like the internet wealth programs which promise to make you untold riches while you sleep, or those weight loss programs which help you lose weight while you sleep or watch TV, you’re not too far wrong.


The fact is that success at anything – whether it’s closing a major business deal, building a successful internet business, or forming a relationship with a significant other – all require effort, and learning. There’s no 300 page PDF which will guarantee you success.

If that were so, we’d all be internet millionaires within 30 days of having started, wouldn’t we.

Here’s where I think the Law of Attraction is useful – as a starting point.

If you have a mental picture of where you want to be, who you want to be, what you want to be, you’ve taken the first step in becoming success. This is also where the heavy lifting will beging.

I get emails from aspiring bloggers who write:

I like your blog, and I want to make a successful living from my blogging. I’ve spend hundreds of dollars buying books on blogging (ebooks and physical books), and I started a blog, but I haven’t been successful yet. Help!

With some further probing, I find that they’ve been blogging a total of 3 weeks and have a trickle of traffic coming to their blog, and generated a total of $0.27 from Google AdSense after publishing a total of 5 blog posts.

Your actions determine your results.

Though the wishful thinking aspect of the law of attraction can give you a temporary bump in your motivation and maybe even spur you to write a blog post, or two, or three, it’s the ability to continue taking consistent, focused action that will give you results.

It’s one of the reasons why I spend a considerable amount of time developing the blog training system which I launched last month, and for a number of the motivated new and intermediate level internet marketers out there who’re looking for a system to follow and scale up their internet income, the Secret Blog Weapon could hold the “The Secret” to your internet marketing success.