About Andrew Wee
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Archive of ‘DigitalKeiretsu’ category

DigitalKeiretsu.com Strategies workshop a smashing success

It’s not often that Internet people meet up, so I decided to do a small experiment.

I posted a thread in my DigitalKeiretsu.com forum: DigitalKeiretsu.com strategy training for Internet Money Secrets announcing a workshop which would bring together 4 Internet Marketing specialists.

If it worked out, I would continue to organise a series of Internet marketing-related training for the DigitalKeiretsu group.

This is a series of workshops intended to help increase the level of skill incompetency of the DigitalKeiretsu members who have a wide range of skill levels from beginner to intermediate.

I’m glad I did.

Last night’s session was a smashing success!

DigitalKeiretsu.com strategies workshop crowd

Alief (AliefHamdani.com) talking to Angie and Chi. Should a Body Combat Instructor be caught eating junk food on camera? Hmm…

Besides myself the other trainers were:

  • Rachit Dayal
  • Garry Lee
  • Ryan Chua

Topics that were covered included:

  • traffic generation
  • forum strategies
  • a comprehensive overview of pay per click advertising
  • the Internet Marketing mindset


Deep diving your customer base

In the business world, there are 2 schools of thought regarding growing and monetizing your customer base.

Both can be potentially viable and allow you to harvest the fruits of your effort.


  • One school of thought says that you spread your net far and wide, and catch as many fish as possible.

By expanding your catchment area as far as possible, you get numerous fish and able to benefit from the fruits of your labor.

Why 90% of Internet Marketers fail

I have been feelng really disturbed over the last couple of days.

Some of my DigitalKeiretsu.com members have been coming up to me and saying that they have no idea what they should do, and how they should start.


I’d spent the better part of a few hundred hours and a greater amount of funds, shortlisting the field down to the three core tools:

With these three tools, I’m confident that anyone, of any skill level can generate $1,000 – $2,000 per month consistently in adsense and affiliate marketing income with a blog.

Will this be enough to sustain you?

Probably not.

But what if you did three or more such blogs?

Would $4,000 – $6,000 per month be something decent?

Would that give you some measure of financial freedom?

If you’ve already read through my previous DigitalKeiretsu.com postings, please bear with me for a second.


DigitalKeiretsu.com networking session tonight!

I realize this is a little last moment (ok, very last minute).

A number of people were asking to meet up after reading: Meeting of the Internet Marketing minds

So in response, and at the risk of getting zero people, I’m organizing a meet up session tonight at 6pm at Amara Shopping Center’s food court.

Note: This is in Singapore

Some of my DigitalKeiretsu.com (DK) team may be there, and it’ll be a good opportunity to share ideas and strategies.

If you’re new to Internet Marketing, or would like to connect to a community of fellow Internet Marketers, this’ll be a good opportunity to ‘meet and greet‘. (more…)

Explode your Internet Marketing income through the Keiretsu

As I’m further developing the system for DigitalKeiretsu.com, I’m seeing that the cross platform possibilities are nearly endless.

Do you know someone who’s a successful blogger?

Maybe like Shoemoney? Take a look at this picture, he’s holding a cheque from Google for $132,994.97 for the month of September 2005.

Maybe a succesful forum owner like my friend Ryan Chua who owns BMW-sg.com, a forum for BMW owners and lovers (I’m assuming they love the car, not so much the owners. But then again)
