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Archive of ‘list building’ category

List Building and List Raiding for Profit (and Fun)

Some Internet Markters harbor a sneaking suspicion that their list which they’ve studiously built up is being raided if they send out an offer like Mike Filsamie’s Death of Internet Marketing.

Somehow, they fear they might ‘sell out their list for a measly $1.

(And some even fear they might not receive that $1).

One thing I’ve learned from sales is if you don’t provide your prospect with a list of options available (even if it’s from a competitor) you risk losing the sale, and even worst the customer.

I agree that you’d want to protect your list, especially if you’ve spent previous PPC dollars building it up.

bird cage

But consider this too. If you treat your list like a caged bird, your list members will flee the first chance they have. (more…)

Your Internet Marketing Survival Depends on Your List

I met with Super Affiliate Ewen Chia yesterday and he gave me some comments about my blog.

‘It’s humorous. It’s quite personal.’ he smiled and I could sense the sincerity of his compliments.

How big is your list?



“And how many unique visitors do you get a month?”



We continued talking and here’s the one very vital lesson I picked up from my discussion yesterday.

And it will make the difference between your success and failure.

Your success depends on the size of your list. (more…)

10,000 in your list in 30 days? Andrew Wee goes guerilla!

Kudos to Darren Rowse of ProBlogger.net for organising the latest Writing Project, this post on massive list building is my entry for the “How To” themed writing project found at: ProBlogger Group Writing Project – ‘How To…’

(I’m still holding out for the Amazon prize! :)).


They say that your success in Internet Marketing is determined by the size of your list.

The power to shape opinion and influence behavior is a function of how big your list is.

And more importantly, if you have a qualified list. Do the members fit the demographic you’re targeting.

How relevant the members to your interests?

A list provides ready traffic and serves as the

  • core readership for your content (blog posts, ebooks, podcasts, vlogs)
  • primary clients for an affiliate marketing campaign you might run

Traditional list building might see 5 to 10 members joining your list on a daily basis.
Perhaps you’re giving them a 5 or 10 page report, or maybe a free ebook.

This could be effective in growing your list over the long term.

But what if you want a much bigger list, in a much shorter period of time?

What if you wanted a list numbering 10,000 or possibly even 100,000?

What if you could do all this for little cost, or even free?

Interested? (more…)