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Archive of ‘Internet Marketing Branding’ category

Boost Your Online Authority Through Content Syndication

Having worked in a newspaper paper, I can see the great divide between old line media (aka newspaper, local television) and new media, especially Internet-based ones.

For one, as a content publisher in Singapore,New York, Malaysia or London, can you imagine the rammifications of having readers from Africa, Italy, Germany, Taiwan and Japan?

It’s not something that content owners or bloggers consciously think about. But it does have implications on your online success.

What would it mean to have a loyal cadre of fans in Berlin? Or Austin, Texas? Or Osaka, Japan?

It would not only have an impact on your geographically-diverse community, but it would ultimately affect your bottomline too.

So think about it this way: articles, press releases and blogging are content authority methods 1.0.

“Content authority” is more complex way of saying you put out good content and are respected.

Your readership is very much limited to the people in your blogosphere, or the sources that pull content from the article directory.

Content Authority Method 2.0 would then move into content syndication, where your content is proactively propagated through the Internet.

What does this mean?

web pro news syndication

You are being given content authority by other high authority content sites.

If you use the SEO analogy, you are being given a ‘content backlink’ by a high authority source.

But instead of better PageRank or SERP rankings, you are building up (more…)

How Your Social Network Avatar Can Make Or Break Your Internet Marketing Efforts

Linkbaiting on social networks like MyBlogLog, MySpace and BumpZEE is common, especially when Internet Marketers use pictures of bikini-clad women as their avatar.

While there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with the practice, I feel that it sets up expectations that the blogger or website owner will have to deliver on once the visitor lands on your page.

If you can keep your readers happy, you’ve laid the foundation for a successful and low cost (possibly free) traffic generation model.

The sad reality is that more than 90% of the sites using such techniques have average (and usually sub-standard) poor content.

At best, this is gimmicky in my opinion and best used for one-off, throwaway adsense-oriented traffic.

But if you’re a serious Internet Marketer in this for the long haul, you’d do much better to build your brand, which means either using your photograph, or an image which represents your online presence.avatar montage

Iconic Avatars: Michael “GrayWolf” Gray, Jim Kukral, Rasheed Ali, Robyn Tippins, Todd “StuntDubl” Malicoat, Shawn Collins, Chris “Drinkbait” Hooley, Jeremy “Shoemoney” Schoemaker.

Credibility and reputation are essential to your long term success, and being consistent in your online branding build rapport with your visitors. Consistent branding will bring you (more…)

Building the “Me” Internet Marketing Brand

Something Super Affiliate Ewen Chia said to me about a month ago has stuck with me. (If you missed the post, it’s at Ewen Chia and building the ‘Me’ brand)

Ewen Chia and Andrew Wee

Super Affiliate Ewen Chia and Andrew Wee

This was during the Unstoppable Traffic workshop.In response to a fellow attendee, Gary Fu’s, question about running a PPC campaign for an affiliate marketing product, Ewen asked, “Why are you advertising for the product? You should be building up the “me” brand”.

All aspiring affiliate marketers should take heed from the Super Affiliate himself.

For your longterm success, you’d want to brand yourself.

Do whatever it takes to build your personal credibility and reputation.
