About Andrew Wee
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May 2007 archive

Boost Your Online Authority Through Content Syndication

Having worked in a newspaper paper, I can see the great divide between old line media (aka newspaper, local television) and new media, especially Internet-based ones.

For one, as a content publisher in Singapore,New York, Malaysia or London, can you imagine the rammifications of having readers from Africa, Italy, Germany, Taiwan and Japan?

It’s not something that content owners or bloggers consciously think about. But it does have implications on your online success.

What would it mean to have a loyal cadre of fans in Berlin? Or Austin, Texas? Or Osaka, Japan?

It would not only have an impact on your geographically-diverse community, but it would ultimately affect your bottomline too.

So think about it this way: articles, press releases and blogging are content authority methods 1.0.

“Content authority” is more complex way of saying you put out good content and are respected.

Your readership is very much limited to the people in your blogosphere, or the sources that pull content from the article directory.

Content Authority Method 2.0 would then move into content syndication, where your content is proactively propagated through the Internet.

What does this mean?

web pro news syndication

You are being given content authority by other high authority content sites.

If you use the SEO analogy, you are being given a ‘content backlink’ by a high authority source.

But instead of better PageRank or SERP rankings, you are building up (more…)

Technorati Kicks Their Analytics Up A Notch

If you’ve been blogging for any length of time, you’d have heard of Technorati, the blog community site. They’ve recently revamped their stats and ranking system to factor in social factors. The net result? This blog has seen a jump in rankings, testament to the fact that social traffic strategies work.

Let’s look at the new stats panel:


Blog Authority is measured by the number of blogs that link to you, with each blog amount to a single ‘vote’ or count in the blog authority measure.

Blog Ranking, in this case a whoppling 5,196 means I am 5,195 places away from the top.

In the words of Technorati’s Dorion Carroll:

“Technorati Rank is calculated based on how far you are from the top. The blog with the hightest Technorati Authority is (more…)

Unlimited Domain Hosting = Unlimited Profits?

Since I started my Internet Marketing journey, I’ve been looking for the perfect web host.

I soon discovered “Perfect” wasn’t something that could easily be found.

This was after my experience of paying about $200 a year for hosting one domain name.

Industry insider told me that I should be paying less than $10 a month for a shared hosting account, and less than $20 for reseller hosting (with the ability to host unlimited domain names).

After much searching, I decided to go with Bluehost, especially since the Bluehost CEO Matt Heaton maintains a personal blog and he adopts an open approach in dealing with customers and the public, even going to the extent of talking about the problems he’s had with the 800 lb gorilla of domain names GoDaddy.

When I first signed up, Bluehost offered domain hosting for 6 domain names, 50 MySQL databases (one database is required for each forum, blog or content management solution you install).

I learned to appreciate Bluehost’s service when my other webhosting account crashed the other day. In the midst of a soft-launch for a new product too.

I guess I’m used to Bluehost proactively sending out emails to affected customers if their accounts are temporarily unavailable due to maintenance or service outages.

With my other webhost, I only found out that the account was down because customers sent me email saying the sales pages was inaccessible.

And yes, the “other” web host doesn’t have procedures to inform you that the system has gone down. You are directed to some cryptic page to check the status of the servers. I guess I realize that I should be refreshing the server status page every couple of hours in the midst of a product launch. Silly me…

Anyway, I don’t plan to renew that hosting plan when it expires in a few months time.

So having a good webhost (not necessarily the cheapest) will ultimately protect you in the pocket.

But back to Bluehost, I was pleasantly surprised that their new plan provides (more…)

Friday Podcast Episode 6: Content Personalization and Relevance for Profit

In this episode of the Friday Podcast, we look at shaping your content to draw relevant traffic and monetize the traffic.

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For the notes, click “more”:


$400 Up For Grabs in Blogging Contest

The 5Star Affiliate Forum turns 2 on Monday June 25th, 2007 and founder and president Linda Buquet has put up $400 in their blogging competition.

You can check out Linda’s Affiliate Forum Blogging Contest and decide if you meet the criteria and take part in the contest.

I’d first heard Linda on the Shoemoney Net Income radio show.

If you missed it you can listen to the podcast here:

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I remember Linda gave a few nuggests of affiliate marketing advice on the show.

Let’s look at contests for a moment.

Are they worth taking part in?

For experienced affiliates $400 will seem like chump change, but the big payout comes (more…)

Geotargeting As Censorship Mechanism?

Segregating your traffic by geographical location is a useful thing and is known in the search engine marketing circles as “geotracking”, but you could go one step further and target specific traffic based on geographical location using the cryptic practise known as “geotargeting”. But what happens when it’s used to block access to users based on their geography?



So now I’m not able to use my favorite music service at Pandora.com.

Pandora works in the following fashion: You select your favourite artist and the service makes (more…)