About Andrew Wee
Andrew Wee | Blogging | Affiliate Marketing | Social Traffic Generation | Internet Marketing

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Archive of ‘blogging’ category

Switch to Regulus Business Template

As you’ll note, I have a new corporate-looking template, Regulus by Binary Moon.

What might take a new blogger about 30 seconds to do (switching the theme in the Theme selector) took me a few hours to port over all over analytics tools, additional plugins and SEO-enhancements (detailed in SecretBlogWeapon).


Switching themes has given a number of advantages too.


Business Blogging Book Promotion

Blogging for BusinessThe folks over at BusinessBlogSummit have a book offer for Publish and Prosper: Blogging for your Business.

Ok, it’s free. [I just don’t want to lead off every other blog post with ‘free’]

BusinessBlogSummit has been good to me, linking to a number of my posts and I like their content. (more…)

Blogging tips from PlanetAndrea.com

Blogger and Internet Marketer Andrea Schoemaker is helping to generate the content today.

I managed to secure an interview with her and she shared some blogging tips.

In case, you aren’t already familiar with Andrea.

Here’s a pic:

Shoemoney and PlanetAndrea

Internet Siblings: Shoemoney (Jeremy Schoemaker) and PlanetAndrea (Andrea Schoemaker)

Are you ready to enter the world of PlanetAndrea? (more…)

Using WordPress in your domain? Some potential issues…

I was surfing the 9Rules blogging network and came across Lorelle’s post:

Using WordPress in Your Domain Name? Don’t!

I guess lots of people (myself included) take brand names, trademarks and intellectual property for granted at times.

We’re so used to ‘using’ a brandname as a verb or a noun, that we don’t realize that technically, we’re eligible to legal action if someone chooses that course of action. (more…)