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Posts Tagged ‘text-links’

Selling Paid Links = PageRank Death

So it’s official…From the mouth of SearchEngineJournal editor Loren Baker post “Matt Cutts confirms paid links and PageRank update“, the voice of Google Matt Cutts has said:

The partial update to visible PageRank that went out a few days ago was primarily regarding PageRank selling and the forward links of sites. So paid links that pass PageRank would affect our opinion of a site.

Going forward, I expect that Google will be looking at additional sites that appear to be buying or selling PageRank. 

So if you’re selling links, kiss PageRank goodbye.

This would be a good move to shift more human relevant content into the SERPs, although without visibility of it’s PR algorithmn, it’s difficult to judge how a site providing quality content can justify the provision of free content WITHOUT advertising as a revenue stream.

Has Google’s quality score grown to encompass the quality and sophistication of site content?

Or will it be some time before a comprehensive content ranking system makes it’s way into the PageRank system.

On the bread-and-butter side of things, I (more…)