About Andrew Wee
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Posts Tagged ‘blog-mastermind’

BlogRush: Is Network Marketing-Based Traffic Generation A Waste Of Time?

The veteran Internet Marketer known as John Reese has recently launched BlogRush, a blog-specific web2.0 widget which syndicates blog publicity across it’s network. It’s raised some debate among a number of bloggers and more importantly, how effective is it?

blog rush john reese

The idea is that each BlogRush widget displayed earns you a syndication credit, which in turn earns you a reciprocal ‘widget view’ on another blog within your category. As far as I’m aware, traffic is NOT guaranteed. You’d still need to put some effort to come up with a great headline and quality content.

What’s blogging maestro Jim Kukral’s bone of contention with BlogRush? Read: Don’t Waste Time With BlogRush, It Won’t Work.

Jim’s point about low traffic blogs not benefitting from the network (which functions as a type of exchange) is certainly valid (and likely not to get much traffic)…Unless (more…)

Friday Podcast Episode 10: Blog Traffic and Monetization Models

In this edition of the Friday Podcast, we look at 2 different blog traffic models: Austalia-based Yaro Starak and mine.

Yaro has recently released a free book which contains several nuggets of information for aspiring blogger: Blog Profits Blueprint.

For those who’re more serious about income-generating blogging, check out: Yaro Starak’s Blog Mastermind.

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