About Andrew Wee
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Posts Tagged ‘rick-raddatz’

Product Owners Hijacking Affiliate Commissions?

Take heed affiliate marketers! I’ve noticed that a few high profile product owners have implemented some practices which could potentially be detrimental to your affiliate marketing efforts.

I’d typically recommend looking for high converting affiliate programs for newer Internet Marketers.

After all, while you’re getting your feet wet, you might like to focus on traffic generation and your marketing efforts (the conversion has a lot to deal with the product owners sales/landing page) and rather than get into the thick of product development immediately, you can sell someone’s product first (ie. affiliate marketing).

So if a product owner has switched their sales pages to an opt-in page, it could have major implications for your marketing efforts.

An opt-in page is designed to help build the product owner’s list.

Ostensibly an opt-in page consists of:

  • A catchy headline
  • 5-7 bullets
  • A form for you to fill in your name and email address

Seems simple.

Here’s an example of an opt-in page, Rick Raddatz’s Wednesday Minute (it’s got a funny video on it).

rick raddatz wednesday minute

A sales page looks like what you’d see at the Secret Blog Weapon sales page. It’s much longer and pushes for the sale (which is what will continue to keep you in Internet Marketing) (more…)

Are You Cheating Yourself of Massive Internet Marketing Income?

Here’s a tip.

If you’re building an Internet Marketing branding site, and build the “Me” brand which I’ve mentioned a number of times:

Building the “Me” Internet Marketing Brand

The biggest thing you can do is very simple, and at the same time, the hardest for many to accept. (I’ve had a difficult one with this too).

Almost people will have stiff resistance to this idea. Some may eventually do it especially if they see the logic behind it (but still do it very unwillingly).

But if you want to build your “me” brand, you must do it.

On your personal branding blog, your “me” brand blog, disable all web advertising programs.

Remove every one of them.

This is what Jo Han told me: “If you’re working so hard to bring traffic to your site, are you serious about sending them away when they click on adsense? You want to send your traffic away for a few cents?”

I realized, that it’s seriously stupid to bring traffic to my blog and send them away after less than 30 seconds on-site (And my traffic logs show it too).

On my blog at least, you’ll experience “the Death of Adsense”.

But something more pressing to consider.

During my World Internet Summit Singapore session, the same question went through my mind as I watched Willie Crawford, Dave Cavanagh, Jo Han, Ewen, Andrew and Daryl Grant, Mike Cheney and company do their thing, “What is the

Clickbank $$$ Screen Captures – WhoIsAndrewWee.com Social Proof

It’s 630am and shortly, I’ll be heading to World Internet Summit featuring the likes of Jay Abraham (I heard a rumor that he might be doing a video conference in, rather than appear in person – let’s see if it’s true) with Tom Hua, Brett McFall, Stephen Pierce, Jo Han Mok, Ewen Chia, Rick Raddatz, David Cavanagh, John Childers, Willie Crawford (I’m looking forward to meeting him after talking to him a couple of times on the Warrior Forum) , Michael Cheney and Matt Bacak.

There’s going to be a crowd of about 1,000, so it’ll be a fun event.
If you’re one of my regular blog readers, come over and say hi.

There’s a chance I might be called to stage (I still have no idea yet).

So the following will be useful (more…)

Laying Your Million Dollar Seeds at World Internet Summit

Are you hesistant about growing your business?

I’ve noticed that too many people waste the opportunities they’re given when they go to events.

Look at this logically: there’re tons of people at the event. A lot of them could be potential customers, some even loyal lifetime customers. And a select few could be invaluable joint venture partners.

Wouldn’t it be silly to squander (more…)

World Internet Summit and WIS Hidden Bonuses

It’s 5:55am as I’m writing this.

I’m quite psyched about World Internet Summit Singapore, having secured my place for the event yesterday evening.

World Internet Summit

It’s quite a stellar lineup and I’m particularly looking forward to getting a chance to catch Willie Crawford, Rick Raddatz and Matt Bacak in action.

The one thing I’m looking forward to the most though is Jo Han and Ewen’s World Internet Summit challenge.

How long does product creation, sales copy generation and a product launch take?

A week? 2 weeks? A month?

Jo Han and Ewen will do all this in 2 hours.

I got some insider info… (more…)