About Andrew Wee
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Posts Tagged ‘traffic generation’

Dealing With Image Hotlinkers

Internet bandwidth can be a scarce commodity in the midst of a product launch, so “hotlinking” or having someone post one of your images, audio or video from their website, blog or forum can reduce your total available Internet bandwidth. Here are a couple of fixes for this issue.

Solution 1: Write to them

You could locate an email address or look up their domain whois information and contact them directly to remove the link to the file on your webhost. If they’re linking to copyrighted content, you might get your legal department to send them the appropriate legal response.

This generally takes some time.

Solution 2: Remove/Delete the file

If you remove the file from your server, the file they’re linking to will show up as a broken link (generally a “404 Error – File Not Found”). This means you’ll (more…)

Friday Podcast Episode 18: Tweaking Your Traffic Channels For Maximum Profit

If you’re to believe the hype, the future of traffic generation lies in video.

Beep!!! Don’t believe everything you hear!

In this edition of the Friday Podcast, I compare various channels like text, audio and video and you’ll see that there’s still life in the other channels.

Click on the “More” tab to access the notes.


Video Clips Dominating Google Search Results? And It’s Traffic Generation Implications

Since the official announcement on the Google blog in January, there’s been widespread expectation that video clips would make their way into Google’s SERPs (search engine results pages). But did anyone expect that video clips would rank so highly?

Take the SERPs for Internet Marketer Rachel Rofe:

rachel rofe

Her video clip shot during the recent JV Alert seminar is a blurb for The Next Internet Milionaire. Yet it comes in as result 4, a little below her MySpace profile, personal blog and LinkedIn profile.

It certainly looks impressive.

Another search for Internet Marketer Anik Singal, shows a clip from Affiliate Summit 2006 East coming in as result 8 out of 69,300.

anik singal

This result ranks above his ezinearticles profile page. Pretty amazing.

And expanding the (more…)

Cutting MyBlogLog Spam With Your Cloak Of Invisibility

Social traffic is fantastic because:

  • It’s highly targeted
  • It’s immediate
  • It’s low cost and often free

The downside is because of it’s interactive nature (which contributes to it’s virality), spam marketers will always try to flood you, and drown out your message with their spam.

This includes, but is not limited to:

On social community sites like MyBlogLog, Eric and his team have instituted several measure like: limiting personal messages to 20 a day (with an innovative reciprocal message feature in place) , and eliminating animated GIF avatars in favor of single (static) image ones.

But that still doesn’t quite solve the problem of ‘widget spam’ where people with link baiting avatars feature on your sidebar widget that appears on the right of this blog.

Fortunately, MyBlogLog community manager Robyn Tippins informed me that MyBlogLog includes features to (more…)

Are You a UFO Social Traffic Marketer?

Newbie social traffic marketers just don’t get it…

True, social traffic is about building relationships.

And it’s also true, you can make your presence felt by establishing yourself as an authority on forums, blogs and social community sites by participating in ongoing conversations or starting new ones.

But where many stumble, and subsequently crash and burn is subscribing to the UFO mentality.


A UFO is flashy, appears for a brief moment, makes a lot of sound and noise, everyone looks up at it. And boom! It disappears!

Likewise, a new social marketer will (more…)