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Posts Tagged ‘blogging’

Weekend Wonderings – 25 May 2008

Twitter seems to have gone down for most of this past weekend. Maybe the Department of Homeland Productivity is seeing if their hypothesis that productivity increases by 517% when Twitter goes down can be proven in a real-world field test.

The new Battlestar Galatica season 4 on the SciFi Channel continues to be one of the best series on TV.  Besides the typical science fiction themes and CGI special effects, the human story is pretty engaging and like any great movie/tv series mirroring real world reality (like Frank Miller’s “300”) it’s amazing how the creators mirror real world events in their storylines.

Ongoing Project:  I’ve been working on a blogging-related project since early last year, and it looks like it’s getting into the final lap. Projected completion and launch? Possibly Mid-June.

It’s interesting how this blog has developed since its early root in 2005 from the old blog over at blogspot.

More importantly, it’s amazing how far blogging has evolved in the space of 2 years. (I can still remember when there were only 1 or 2 video blogs listed in the blog directories…now they’re everywhere.)

Internet Marketers, Should You Upgrade to WordPress 2.5 Now?

If you’ve been following the developments on the WordPress blog, you’d know that the new official release of WordPress 2.5 is out.

Besides better image handling – the new version has a pretty comprehensive built-in gallery (WordPress head developer honcho Matt Mullenweg did a preview screencast of the new gallery), it also has features like an enhanced in-built tagging feature, integrated analytics (so you get a better idea of your traffic picture without having to go to Google Analytics), a redesign of the user interface that should allow for more intuitive posting.

What’s uncertain is if embedding videos and other code requires having to muck around with the blog settings, because WordPress hasn’t really “played nice” with PHP, javascript and flash files in it’s previous incarnations.

Also, there’s a big question mark about the compatibility with WordPress plugins (generally developed by third party and independent developers) designed for earlier versions of WordPress.

So the $64,000 question (or perhaps in today’s context, the $1million question…) is (more…)

WhoIsAndrewWee.com 2.0 Launched…

If you tried to access this blog over the weekend, you might’ve noticed that it was up and it went down at times. I’m glad to say that we’ve moved the blog from a shared hosting account to a dedicated server and for the most part the bugs have been ironed out. (barring some file permissions and folder permissions).

[Note: the “broken database” comments you see are part of some inherent bugs in the WordPress 2.3.X series, but the comments are still going through]

In addition, we’ve ported over a couple hundred megs of content and if there’re broken graphics or missing MP3s or videos, drop us a line at the contact form.

Here’s one blogging tip:

If I had to do it all over again, I would’ve put the blog in a /blog/ directory and have the index.html be a “directory” page.

Yes, you can do it with one of the WP plugins to have your “landing page” be a “page”, but it’s not the same thing…

Back on the blogging front…

There could be a number of major enhancements in store, though we’ll likely start at the end of tax season (it’s a scramble filing tax statements from multiple companies and checking for regulatory compliance).

But while our tech team doing planning for the year ahead…

  • Are there any “wishlist” items you might like to see on this blog?
  • What’ve you enjoyed reading?
  • What’s the single post or page you’ve found the most useful OR enjoyed OR both?

List them in the post comments below.

MyBlogLog User Interface Gets A Facelift – Is It A Good Thing?

If you’ve been following the MyBlogLog blog and read the entry on the latest changes, you’d notice that the interface has undergone a number of changes:


With the change, MyBlogLog has moved from being a blog aggregator to being a Web 2.0 content aggregator of sorts. It’s supposed to be able to pull in updates from twitter, myspace, jaiku, flikr, linkedin, etc (a total of 43 services) and present them in a “New With Me” tab.

Oh yeah…where all the information used to (more…)

WordPress 2.5 Out In March

Pound-for-pound, WordPress is my preferred blogging platform of choice, in terms of flexbility, customization and ability to optimize for SEO and traffic generation.

The current version, 2.3, still has a number of issues yet to be resolved, but the great thing is that the Automattic and third-party plugin developers are constantly chugging away at the hardest working blogging platform in my eyes.

Ryan Boren, part of the WordPress development team, just put up his “s/2.4/s.5/g” post that the WordPress development team will be skipping WordPress 2.4 and releasing WordPress 2.5 in March, together with the promise of “some big new features”.

What’re the “big new features”?

No secret really, if you check out the WordPress roadmap.

If you drill down to the specific WordPress 2.5 milestone level, you will find details of some of the features being worked on.

For example, WP 2.5 will have the ability to search through static “pages”, in addition to the “posts”.

Tweaks for WP plugins and cache (which should give better blog performance, as a cache file would require lower resource overhead compared to a .PHP script), uploading of flash and 3gpp files.

And a host of other features designed to make WordPress an easy platform for new bloggers.

For the comprehensive and somewhat gory list of WP 2.5 milestones, you can look here.

WordPress bloggers can rest easy knowing that the development team is on it…

Is Blog Commenting Obsolete? Some Ideas on Social Marketing

On any given day, my blog comment spam filter throws more than 500 spammy blog comments into the digital trashbin.

I go through the remainder, and too a whole bunch more in as well. These are typically with the sender’s “website” listed as a squidoo lens with the lens title something along the lines of “/instant-money-bonanza” or “/5second-millionaire” and inevitably leads to a spammy/scammy page with a $27 ebook teaching you how to make $1,000,000 in your sleep, while sipping a margarita.


So if so many blog comments are ending up in the trash, especially if you have a vigilant editorial team checking the comment moderation queue, is it even worth taking the time to submit one?


Let’s expand this a little wider and include forums and social networking/conversation sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and even Yahoo! Groups too.

The primary goal in social marketing is to (more…)